Save resources, act sustainable but still be economical. These are the tasks companies are facing today. Besides the reduce of waste and the decrease of direct CO2 emissions, a different handling of used products and materials to improve the own environmental performance is essential.
In many cases rethinking is urgently needed. Because machines and especially less expensive equipment and accessories are often rather disposed and replaced than considering a repair. The reasons are obvious: The effort and the costs seem to get very close to those of a new acquisition. Other costs associated with an acquirement and implementation are, however, largely ignored. Particularly mobile data terminals and barcode scanners are usually used in tons and in the background are working coordinated systems, so that an exchange doesn’t affect only the individual device.
Suitable measures
With the right measures and an experienced partner this whole process can be designed not only more economical, but also less expensive. Weilandt Elektronik develops solutions that go beyond repairs and make it unnecessary to dispose devices without compromising on cost-effectiveness. In addition to a number of life-prolonging measures for hardware, the repair on chip-level is particularly resource-saving and cost-saving, because it makes the complete replacement of expensive spare parts unnecessary and works on a component basis. Even the outsourcing of the own equipment contributes to sustainability, as better planning is possible, failures can be prevented and fewer replacement devices must be available and be purchased.Worthwhile repairs
The figures show that these measures and suchlike repairs are worthwhile:
Besides to the significant price difference between a repair and a new device it also results in an impact on the devices economic life-time. While a new mobile computer has an average service life of three to five years, depending on the application, a successful repair will extend it on average for at least three more years. Even older and already end-of-life or end-of-service devices can often be repaired and thereby delay a complete model change.
If a repair – despite a 90 percent success rate – is no longer possible for individual total losses, Weilandt acts as a device scout and scours the market for a suitable replacement device that can fill the resulting vacancy as a reconditioned model. In addition, a partial use of the defective device for the repair of further entries from the customer's own pool of equipment can be considered and the remaining parts can be professionally recycled afterwards.