
Delayed rollout of new devices? Weilandt Elektronik provides quick and uncomplicated solutions for bridging the time

The current situation with the availability of electronic components causes bottlenecks on many levels and poses challenges for companies. What to do if the planned rollout of new devices has to be postponed, but the old devices can no longer be fully used? In such situations, inexpensive solutions are just as important as quick and uncomplicated action. Weilandt Elektronik offers various measures to compensate for bottlenecks or failures and to bridge the unplanned delay.

One possibility is the use of loan devices, which Weilandt can make available on a large scale at short notice and preconfigured. If other or even rare replacement devices are required, the Weilandt employees act as device scouts and search the market for suitable used devices that can be made available to the customer either ready for use or completely overhauled, depending on the customer's wishes and needs.

When looking for a temporary solution, in many cases it makes sense to use your own old and proven fleet of equipment as a spare part dispenser for repairs. This use of so-called customer-owned dispensing devices is currently used by many clients and provides uncomplicated and inexpensive help. Because especially when the rollout of new devices has already started and the decommissioning process of the old device fleet is well advanced, delays can cause problems.

Current examples show how Weilandt then creates a solution by using dispensing devices: While a customer has already switched to a new generation of devices, deliveries for the next rollout will probably be delayed by a few months. The old models are only occasionally in use – all others have already been taken out for sale or for disposal. In order to compensate for the resulting bottlenecks, the technicians from Weilandt Elektronik rework the old devices that have been sorted out. Through the effective use of all intact components, as many usable models as possible are prepared. These can then compensate for the gaps that have arisen and bridge the time until the rollout continues.

Find out more about your individual options today.
Your contact:

Jochen Buchner
Sales Manager DACH
Phone: +49 (0)6103 83 16 87 0
Mobile: +49 (0)1522 82 65 71
